M. E. Cadeddu M. E., Arizza M., Tulli V.
Epigrafia urbana street art covid-19
In Rome street artists were deeply involved in the representation of the Coronavirus pandemic and in the different aspects of the lockdown. They touched and themed several sensitive issues, such as the rules of social distancing and protective devices, the role of healthcare personnel, fake news, the relationship between human beings and nature and animals. They also examined human feelings and emotions, in particular the sense of worry and isolation along with the positive of resilience, solidarity and hope. The paper presents a selection of the richness of street art in Rome during the pandemic aiming to identify works by different authors and styles; this research is related to the project cnr Urban epigraphy. Multilingual communication on the walls of Rome.
Source: Plurilinguismo e Migrazioni. Migrazioni di virus. Numeri e linguaggi, edited by C. Bonifazi, M.E. Cadeddu, C. Marras, pp. 97–127. P.le Aldo Moro, 7 00185 Roma: CNR edizioni, 2020
Publisher: CNR edizioni, P.le Aldo Moro, 7 00185 Roma, ITA
@inbook{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:450157, title = {Epigrafia urbana. Comunicazione plurilingue sui muri di Roma (in tempo di Covid)}, author = {M. E. Cadeddu M. E. and Arizza M. and Tulli V.}, publisher = {CNR edizioni, P.le Aldo Moro, 7 00185 Roma, ITA}, doi = {10.36173/plurimi-2020-2/05}, booktitle = {Plurilinguismo e Migrazioni. Migrazioni di virus. Numeri e linguaggi, edited by C. Bonifazi, M.E. Cadeddu, C. Marras, pp. 97–127. P.le Aldo Moro, 7 00185 Roma: CNR edizioni, 2020}, year = {2020} }