Conference article  Open Access

Hellenistic Cylindrical and Truncated Cone Beakers from Tarquinia and Ager Tarquiniensis

Ambrosini L.

Hellenistic  cylindrical  truncated cone  beakers  Etruscan 

Hellenistic cylindrical and truncated cone clay beakers with a flattened rim, made of rough clay, have been found in settlements and necropoleis of Tarquinia and Ager Tarquiniensis (Viterbo, Tuscania, Montefiascone, Norchia, Castel d'Asso, Musarna, Ferento, Magugnano, Acquarossa-San Cataldo), and sporadically in Vulci, Sovana and in other sites such as Ampurias. They are characterized by an hard red, grainy clay sometimes with, a thin matte paint on the surface. From the second century B.C., the shape seems to continue over time at least until the age of Augustus. Nevertheless it evolves: the clay becomes finer, the surfaces smoother and the walls thinner. In this study we intend to analyze this shape, focusing on the older phase of production (II century B.C.), to better understand the characteristics, function, chronology, places of production and distribution. It will also seek to verify the presence of this pottery shape in similar Hellenistic productions of the Mediterranean Basin

Source: Daily Life in A Cosmopolitan World: Pottery and Culture during the Hellenistic Period, 2nd Conference of The International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period (IARPotHP), pp. 33–41, Lyon, 5th-8th November 2015

Publisher: Phoibos Verlag, Wien, AUT

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Hellenistic Cylindrical and Truncated Cone Beakers from Tarquinia and Ager Tarquiniensis},
	author = {Ambrosini L.},
	publisher = {Phoibos Verlag, Wien, AUT},
	booktitle = {Daily Life in A Cosmopolitan World: Pottery and Culture during the Hellenistic Period, 2nd Conference of The International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period (IARPotHP), pp. 33–41, Lyon, 5th-8th November 2015},
	year = {2019}