Oggiano I., Pedrazzi T.
Sardinia Punic Pani Loriga
The CNR excavation of the Area A of Pani Loriga is giving a big contribution to the comprehension of a particular period, the fifth century BC, still not well defined as the knowledge of his material culture. The excavation of a little portion of one of the residential areas of the site has documented, in fact, a unique archaeological context: two rooms, suddenly abandoned and, therefore, with a rich quantity of material in situ sealed by the collapse of walls and roofs. In addition to the information about building material construction techniques and architectural features of a domestic context of this period, works are shedding light on the knowledge of the pottery repertoire and function of this "invisible" century. Amphorae, double patera, baking tray, cooking pot and Attic pottery etc., were found associated in a sealed archaeological context and are, therefore, very important to better define the chronological range of production and use of peculiar morphological type attested in the region, often in funerary context or in secondary deposit.
Source: La Sardegna nel Mediterraneo occidentale dalla fase fenicia all'egemonia cartaginese : il problema del V secolo, Santadi (CI), 31 maggio-2 giugno 2013
Publisher: Quasar, Roma, ITA
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:429753, title = {Il V secolo in Sardegna puo ancora definirsi invisibile? Il contributo degli scavi dell'abitato punico di Pani Loriga (Area A)}, author = {Oggiano I. and Pedrazzi T.}, publisher = {Quasar, Roma, ITA}, booktitle = {La Sardegna nel Mediterraneo occidentale dalla fase fenicia all'egemonia cartaginese : il problema del V secolo, Santadi (CI), 31 maggio-2 giugno 2013}, year = {2021} }