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The Fiscal Capacity of the Ebla State in the Early Bronze Age: Taxation and Political Structure

Benati G., Bonechi M.

Ebla  cuneiform  fiscality 

Studio della fiscalità del regno di Ebla (24° secolo a.C) come deducibile dai testi cuneiformi rinvenuti a Tell Mardikh (Siria)

Source: Economic Complexity in the Ancient Near East. Management of Resources and Taxation (Third - Second Millennium BC), edited by Jana Myná?ová - Sergio Alivernini, pp. 37–68, 2020

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BibTeX entry
	title = {The Fiscal Capacity of the Ebla State in the Early Bronze Age: Taxation and Political Structure},
	author = {Benati G. and Bonechi M.},
	booktitle = {Economic Complexity in the Ancient Near East. Management of Resources and Taxation (Third - Second Millennium BC), edited by Jana Myná?ová - Sergio Alivernini, pp. 37–68, 2020},
	year = {2020}